morrow audio

Ok, here's the story. I bought a 2 meter phone cable from Morrow Audiu, hooked it up, played an LP and it was HORRIBLE. Muffled, muted, sounded like crap. Contacted Morrow to return it, he suggested I "burn it in" using a CD player, I reluctantly did this. 50 hours of this treatment later the cable is beautiful! You just read a post from a convert.
Oh, and they did NOT sound great "out of the box". Sounded horrendous. As they do again.
Rpeluso: Why are you venting your displeasure here? Just return the cables and move on.
Well past the return period. After a few months of use am a bit disappointed, plus a little irked that Morrow seems to be using my original post for his benefit. Not being totally truthful. OK?