Morrow MA3 interconnects

I have recently been using Morrow MA3 interconnects. I really like the top end of what the cables bring to the table however It does not bring in the bass,,, a like a more authoritative sound. Any suggestions of what I can try that has the best of both worlds. I buy used and my budget is around 300.00. Thanks
I use the MA3's as well and I do not find the Bass to be lacking in any way. I would suggest that you look at your components maybe the pre-amp or usable frequency response of your drivers.
Tell us about your stereo we need a little more information to give you better advice.
How many hours of break-in? Mike Morrow has stated that the bass is the last thing to settle in.... have you reached the 400 hour mark yet?
I just ordered MA2 myself, and lean bass is the last thing I'm longing for... keep us posted.