Morrow MA4 Vs JPS SC3?

What are the benefits of the Morrow cable verses JPS SC3?
Thanks for your suggestion on the Vintage Audio Lab silver litz. I'm a Morrow cable user and I saw this thread, took what you had to say about the comparison. I am very impressed. Your review is spot on, the Vintage Audio cable is superior.
Thanks again!
I have two pair of the MA2's and I love them. Currently on a CDP and a phono preamp.
I tried the MA3's and MA4's, but had less success. Poor match with my system I guess, but very different sounding from the MA2's.
I also have a pair of JPS SC3's. I've used them on a CDP and on my musical fidelity dac. They are very accurate sounding, but with good tonal color and good bass. They are different than any other of my cables in how relaxed the presentation is.
I would pick the SC3 based on my experience, though the Morrows may have a bit more dynamic snap.
Ssglx - your ears agree with mine there's something special about those MA2's!Really good mids.