Most beneficial change .

I am seeking opinions about what to change first , my speakers or my amplification .

I have a Primaluna Prologue 2 integrated feeding Reference 3a Decapo i speakers from a Granite Audio 657 CDP using the tubed side most of the time . I have rolled the input tubes on the integrated to warm things up some which helped nicely . The system is in a small 10'X11' room on the diagonal with some room treatments . The room is carpeted and my chair is overstuffed leather with a matching foot stool .

I get good tone , extension , details , resolution and PRaT but it is kind of boring ! It all sounds pretty good but I don't want to tap my toes ,bob my head or play the air guitar ! I can listen for long periods of time with ease but just don't want to . Easy to fall asleep ! I guess that I would like to increase the dynamics and musicality . I prefer tubes .

Suggestions ?

Thank you for your input .

10-11-09: Cerrot

You do have the grills removed, correct?
Cerrot (System | Threads | Answers)

10-12-09: Saki70
No , but I'll give it a shot .
Saki70 (Answers)

10-12-09: Cerrot
That will be it! Report back.
Cerrot (System | Threads | Answers)

All this with the grills on. I'm interested to hear this one...
Also, don't know how loud you listen or how sensitive your speakers are, but I have to juice my speaks pretty good to get some decent dimensionality and 'excitement'. Otherwise, things sound rather flat.
Hi Jim
Did you try the 7044 as well before you went with the 5687

I really like how the GE 7044 sound in that positon

BTW Which vendor did you buy your Tungsol 5687 from ?