most effective bass traps

It seems that ASC has very popular bass traps, but at a significant cost. There are other companies that claim to have more effective bass traps. Is there any empirical (or subjective) evidence that one companies traps are more effective than another?

As an aside, I enjoy your well thought out responses to many questions on this forum. Am I correct to assume that using corner traps, such as ASC tube traps, is virtually always likely to improve bass response? One nearly always sees them in every high end store/room/show/ etc. in all 4 corners. I have some ASC traps already, and aesthetically these will probably be the best fit for my room.
I found this comparison of 3 different traps and a lot of info where I found the link.

The results are so uniform and illogical, it only goes to show the flaw of the test. The microphone was in the room's 100 Hz null. Perhaps, the best trap actually reduced the null and had the least measured absorption. I can't see any conclusion from this test.
I have owned many of the above products.. The Foam factory stuff is IDENTICAL if not making the Lenrd bass traps for Auralex..

However as mentioned, and some contended above.... My verdict is FOAM is crappy for real effect, Don't believe the marketing, because its simple, Foam is more effective than NOTHING AT ALL... But thats the point most will deal with foam traps and believe something worked, they are very good for Echo and bringing down noise floor, and for some hearing this is an "Effect" but Bass if you want to truly effect it the Foam corner traps are about the worst product for it. GIK tri traps are probably the most effective as well as cost effective product, and unfortunately all else are way too much money for the cylinder types etc..., and they should not be.

This is based on listening and going thru many of these products by themselves and in combination, at one point I had as many as like 30, 2 foot lenrd and foam factory bass traps... Got fed up as they would only be semi effective in MANY used, which also starts to kill your soundstage being overdamped...

Then tried the new GIK trip traps, Just 2 of them were 10 times as effetive, and they were no installation needed, and this was with nothing else in the room, I pulled down everything else.
As an aside, I enjoy your well thought out responses to many questions on this forum. Am I correct to assume that using corner traps, such as ASC tube traps, is virtually always likely to improve bass response?


Yes, for sure! Sorry I missed your question. It is extremely rare to have too much bass absorption. These are broadband absorbers and NOT "tuned tube" traps (tuned helmholtz resonators to a specific frequency - like your beer bottle). They appear similar to other broadband absorbers in the way they function - so you can place many of them in a room without fear.