Most emotionally involving cables?

I'm auditioning various cables and recently heard the Audio Magic Excalibur II Interconnects and Speaker Cables. Detail, air, quiet, but what struck me most of all was how I immediately fell into the music. Now this isn't the most expensive cable, or the only one that can do this, I'm sure. I'd like to know what other cables have really pushed people into the music, whatever they're made out of.
Red, John1 that's called finesse!!!!!nice one...
I do have MIT (T´2) cables and have been following some (heated sometimes) threads involving them . In my case, I have really taken my time on learning (still do) on system setup and have kept constant. Still much to learn.....
check out the 47Labs stratos OTA cable kit.A kit will do 3 pairs of IC's and has a total of 50 metres of cable for US$600.I've not heard a faster, more open, artriculate or transparent cable at any price.Music played thru them have a life and vibrancy that is superbly captivating and fresh.Makes great string trimmer line for your weedwhacker if you don't like it[get this-its a single strand OFC solid core approx 26ga.(0.4mm/2.5 mm outer sheath dia.)-incredibly deep, powerful, tuneful bass too].It has forced me to rethink what some of the more exotic cable constructions actually do.
My emotional well being is boosted by the fact that I have a cable that let's more of the music through and the price did not make me cry. For this, the Harmonic Technology Pro Silway interconnects and the same Pro 11n speaker cable have been satisfying. ( especially purchased used ) I also am fulfilled by the Sonic Horizon Skyline AC power cords which offer a lot for the money right from the manufacture. ( Your mileage may vary )
I guess that this mix is synergistic to my rig which make me happy. No, it makes me shine a fine blue glow from within as I float along the notes that stream out of my speakers, lifting me beyond the illusion that it is only my stereo and not the real experience. Okay, I am back. Good Day!
the European 47 Labs distributor (in Bosnia) wants me to audition their cables alongside the 47 Labs PhonoCube. He called them a "an innovative and affordable" cable solution--I think. I just upgraded to NBS Statements and will have a hard time (both mechanically and emotionally) pulling them off the components for these tiny wires. But I am curious about 47 Labs products (very nice people, and THEY KNOW THEIR STUFF).... Sure, I get emotional about the NBSs (just today the cleaning lady accidentally bumped into the speaker cables with the vacuum cleaner to my horror), and there clearly is a fetish factor, and an insanity about buying them. But I would be extremely surprised if anything beat them in my SET system (VAIC reference monos with cryogenized tubes and customized electronics). In fact, I bought the NBSs so that I could worry about other things (like finding a superb BH7A tube, or an ultra high res phono preamp) rather than cables.