Most overrated audio manufacturers?


Showing 6 responses by czarivey

I'd rephrase to vice versa and i'll be easier to answer, but short answer is most of them if not all.
Martin Logan is a true champ of this discussion I believe.
B&W (their Nautilus line in particular).
And finally Joseph Audio.
09-22-14: Geoffkait
Strange, nobody has mentioned Sony or Panasonic which I think both make a very wide range of excellent products
It's really contradictive to the subject. Overrated is "higher rated" per given performance. Wide range of excellent products that are indeed excellent can't be considered overrated.
Tara Labs used to offer once affordable and reasonably priced products. Then they 'upgraded' and became full of snit.
I can easily put my Aerial 10t against Vandy 5a. I haven't heard 7's yet, but kinda have the same feeling that they won't be upto par for the money. 1c is probably their best model in terms of price per performance, but the rest is total 'rest'.