Most overrated audio manufacturers?

Agreed Elizabeth. The "value" of all the responses so far are absolutely worthless without putting the choices in some type of context as to WHY the respondents think they are overrated. What is the point anyway? Too many of these type trolling threads in the archives to yet add another one.
"07-04-14: Elizabeth
The op did not even bother to list any of his own.
So I call 'Troll'."

Actually, the OP did give some input.

"07-03-14: Lse
I'm curious as to what folks say but here are some quick ones based on my ears: totem, B&W except for the uk made higher end products, focal, and gallo"
Kraco, Weltron, Mayfair, Yorxs, Lloyds, Samsonic, Electro-Brand, Electrophonic, Clarion, Toyo, Aircastle, Westminster, Lear Jet & Spark-O-Matic to name a few.