Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000

I am probably going to get knocked around for the use of that mysterious word "MUSICAL" in this tread. However would like some input from members who have tried a lot of speaker cables: and would like to know what is most musical sounding speaker cable you have ever owned or presently own under $800. Multiple choices is also good.

FOR ME, the term "musical means" listenable, and holding the listener's attention, and satisfying. Also, it means very smooth without sounding warm or fuzzy. Lastly, it means....a unique presentation of the musical event never heard or experienced before.

Or,... is it also: more detail?? more musical cues that convey the music and its acoustic space? or a richer palette of tonal color and harmonics??? I am sure it is heard and defined differently by everyone
Nasaman, nothing that I or Newbee have said is inconsistent with the experiences you reported in your post.

-- Al
Sonnyjim, I'll chill out. I didn't recognize your level of experience by your post. I thought you just might be another audio enthusiast with poor synergy in his basic system, not recognizing this, and thinking he could solve all of the synergy issues by changing speaker wire. If you were you wouldn't be the first, or probably the last. Good luck.
Harmonic Tech Pro-11 is the most musical s/c when I put on against my Transparent Super, MIT MH-750, Analysis Plus Oval-9, Nordost RedDawn, Blue Heaven.
Once system's synergy is built up, each spkr cables would sound ALMOST the same but (if listen carefully) their straits def still there.

Ignore Newbie and Almag.
Nasaman, Judging from Al's post Sunnyjim's speakers will be a good neutral test for the differences between cable and he will be able to hear the synergism that he has already established between his electronics and his speakers. Then he can attribute what he hears to the cables as he changes them, the total synergy, or the basic system in toto or to individual components, as he sees fit. He appears to be fortunate in the sense that he won't have to listen to a lot of different cables before he can determine which, if any, can give him what he is looking for.

A challenge for you.

Since you have stated that the Harmonic Tech Pro-ll is the most 'musical' s/c, and you imply that your system is synergistic and suitable for evaluating cables without considering the technical speaker/cables matching issues, perhaps you can take a moment and tell us specifically what attributes that cable possesses that makes it 'musical' in nature that the other cables do not. Are you sure it is embedded in the nature of the cable, i.e. it will be 'musical' when used in all systems, or could it just be the result of its synergy with your system. In other words as you describe the differences in the cables as slight (in an already synergistic system) can you attribute the differences to personal preference as opposed to technical differences?

DNM Reson might be worth a look.

I find their ICs to be most coherent and musical top to bottom and would expect similar from the speaker wires.