Most recent speaker you audited in room and returned? Why did you return it?

Just as the title says, what was the last speaker you got hyped by, purchased and returned subsequently? If you returned it, what did you not like about it in your room? What equipment did you try matching it with?

Hearing about such experiences of unmet expectations could be an interesting topic.


Showing 1 response by transnova

I have had more than a few pair sound good in the showroom, that left my house after a short stay. Most were not returned. They were sold to friends or on sites like this. Some sounded good in one or more of my systems, but I could not make them work in the room that I had purchased them for. These include Martin Logan Motion 60's and KEF R700's. Interestingly enough, the smaller Motion 40's sounded great in any room that I tried them. I have also had LS 50's sound good in all of my systems and keep a pair in the house. I currently am in the same situation with the Mofi Source Point 10's. They were fantastic in the showroom, but are too large physically for the room that I purchased them for. They wound up crammed into the corners. I can't use them in my other systems (WAF or same size problem}. I view this as my problem, not the dealer's.

In the past dealers have worked with me, but I never expected more than store credit. I never asked for a refund if the product was not defective.