Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.
Power cords in a stable supply of power seem like snake oil.  Other things are better pursued.
@millercarbon - @jumia has not heard many power cords in even a middling quality audio system.  Sheesh.  Why are there so many posters who don't believe that cabling sounds significantly different?   Don't they have something better to do in their lives?
Jumia- All the variations in recording qualities that endlessly frustrate?  You mean all the good bad and the ugly of trying to record and recreate a real live music event?

Lone Mountain Audio