Most satisfying system change in 2017?

What was your most satisfying addition or subtraction for your audio system this year?  Looking for changes in gear, set-up, or listening environment.  What floated your audio boat in 2017?
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Built speakers, TMW config.  Crossovers are modified from Icon Parsecs. Drivers from Seas, ScanSpeak and Audax.  Stunned at the results.  IMHO they compete with factory towers @$10k. 
(Unavoidable pride/bias I suppose, but verrry gratifying project). 
Timbre and detail..can’t get any work done cause I can’t walk away. 
Iwal22, can relate.  How did you solve potential cabinet issues?  Biggest challenge in my experience.  Pictures online somewhere?
Change from 20 yr Spectral owner to Pass Lab.

Added a Tru-lift tonearm lifter to TT. Makes playing vinyl almost as easy as CD. No adverse effect on SQ. 
Added a Schiit Audio Freya Tube Preamp and a Primaluna Prologue 5 Tube Amp.I use the all tube ckt for music and have even left it in the mix on some Movies after I had played some Dvd or Bluray concerts.Pretty sweet but,for Metal I go back to the SS Ckt.