Most significant WAF Audio Sacrifice you made....

I'm interested in the most significant audio sacrifice you made in the name of maintaining domestic harmony / bliss, such as giving up your Pass XA 160 monoblocks. You know, the concious decision one audiophile makes like where we weigh our loved ones on an imaginary scale: sweetie or monoblocks, sweetie or monoblocks, and the former wins out but not without extreme pain (and sometimes regret).

Significant others are also eligible.

Yes, I know, but I looking for a fully balanced design to go with my all BAT system. That's what I meant by looking for certain ones. I have a list of requirements on top of my wife's no naked toobs requirement.
We just built a house because she wanted to live on a lake.
Fortunately, I needed a better room, so it was not that difficult to decide.
Boa2: I don't know what to do with this woman!

I'll tell you what to do: renew your vows.

Well as a single young guy, I've decided to get my system perfect first, and add the tweak of a wife later. I make it pretty well known to anyone I date how much I'm into music and listening to my rig and how much time inovlved with the gear (I try to leave the money part out of it...seems tacky). Some of the ladies who've been able to stand me for more than one evening (and who I could convince to come back to my place without the cave-man approach) are pretty into it. Can you married blokes speak from experience in that, will it be the case that they tolerate it now, or think it's cute/interesting, but I'll all of a sudden be selling gear for that "cute new bose radio" down the line because it matches the drapes better? Hmm..maybe being single isn't so bad after all. Actually, forget that, I'm going to see if the Agon people want to partner on a dating site for audiophiles. HAH!