Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?

I've been experimenting with different cables between components. Nothing sounds right since trying to improve sound with new mix of cables. There is no bass and boring, highs are okay but life is gone from system. So I flipped everything back the way it was still sound horrible. Ran everything 24/7 for a couple days still no go. Let it run a couple more days dynamics are back and bass is full big and has tone again and enjoyable to listen to. Can someone tell me why this happens. I've also moved just speaker cables around without unhooking them and seen this happen, I don't get it.
This is all very interesting - and timely!

As I've been making adjustments to my wiring, just redirecting them, the sound is "off", then the next day, it sounds better again. 

So bizarre some something so minor can have an effect, but I have experienced this very recently.

No that cables have been tidied up, I'm just going to leave well enough alone and stop changing up my speaker position so often as I am chasing a better sound.

Some days, like now, it sounds wonderful!

I just moved this system in a new room couple months ago and have also been moving speakers around a lot over this 2 month period. I could not figure out why things would not sound right. I know the speaker cables are moving because crossover is external and I have to pull it around in conjunction with speaker cabinet. This is now making sense why every time I try to change things up to improve sound I get discouraged and can't enjoy listening to this system. I told my son yesterday I'm thinking of selling off this system or throughing it in closet that I just can get it to work right and don't even want to look at it anymore. I get mad at it and leave it alone ( I still leave it on 24/7) for 4 or 5 days come back and it sounds great. Then I screw with it again. I'm just going to leave it alone and if I change anything expect problems and knowingly allow a few days before I can expect to listen to it.

I cant believe the esoteric nonsense contained in this thread, voodoo science at best. I think ill go watch another episode of "Ancient aliens" for a little grounding.


In my experience, people who feel that way about their systems usually have fundamental issues, and usually means bad room acoustics. Every time you move your speakers, you are changing the room frequency response as it relates to your listening position, quite possibly by a large amount, especially if you have limited or no room treatment.

Your brain becomes "accustomed" to your system, essentially trying to, at some level, correct the frequency response to what feels right. Technical term is neural adaptation. It is real, and you ignore it at your peril.  You will frequently hear real acoustics experts discuss this.  It is a learning process so it does not happen instantly.   (There are other processes that occur more "real time" as well). You can both "learn" and forget ... hence when you come back to your "new" system after not listening for a week, things are magically better .... bass response is back, soundstage seems more "normal", dynamics are right.  It is probably still not "perfect", but listen more and things fall into place (to a point).

Moving cables, if it makes any difference at all, is going to make difference at only the finest details, and things like dynamics, perceived bass response, soundstage, are not fine details, they are macro properties. If you continue believing that simply moving cables (with the exception of significant electrical interference) is going to significantly impact your system to the level you describe, then you are going to have a hard time ever being really happy.

Since you keep moving your speakers, let's get back to that fundamental problem. Your brain attempts to adapt, but can only do so much. Do you have a properly treated listening environment? If not, then that is something you need to address.  There are great tools out there and cheap microphones, and a ton of information on how to setup a room. Once you get the hang of it, it is a heck of a lot more interesting and fun than swapping cables, and for the most part you won't be "guessing" ... was that better ... the results are often dramatic.

Audiozen I just moved to a new house main system went in a big room and set up was easy and have been very pleased. This system has gone in 12x12x9 room, I've never had a room this small so it has been a challenge. I did add GIK panels.