Because every second person on any audio forum likes to talk about science and measurements.It's been my experience that those who hear a difference don't usually cite scientific findings to explain what they hear as they trust their ears.
Once the topic of "science' is breached, then, of course, it will be discussed.
But how many people here have any education in electronics, physics and psychoanalytic?Lots. Some here are highly steeped in the sciences you mention and some haven't bothered participating in a long time due to the acrimony imparted by those who refuse to accept that one needn't need a degree in order to sense something accurately.
Most of they didn’t study out of these disciplines.That could be true re: most. Having that degree and admitting that you can't explain some of it scientifically is a step in the right direction, though. It's what we who don't have degrees do.
Unlike most of people here, I have BSc in electronics. But I don’t have enough knowledge to enplane most process in audio scientifically
All the best,