Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?

I've been experimenting with different cables between components. Nothing sounds right since trying to improve sound with new mix of cables. There is no bass and boring, highs are okay but life is gone from system. So I flipped everything back the way it was still sound horrible. Ran everything 24/7 for a couple days still no go. Let it run a couple more days dynamics are back and bass is full big and has tone again and enjoyable to listen to. Can someone tell me why this happens. I've also moved just speaker cables around without unhooking them and seen this happen, I don't get it.

This type of thread can act as a warning to any newbie thinking about going down the audiophile path. The level of audiophile nervosa that can arise in a purely subjective paradigm is really something (virtually anything you do can be perceived as "changing the sound" so careful about touching anything in your system and don’t forget to hold your rosary beads!).

Audiophiles who talk like this about cables would have a heart attack (if they thought consistently about these things) watching the type of cables and how they are moved and strewn around in making the recordings they cherish.

Imagine if the pros believed all this stuff. "Hold on guys, Eddie just moved his cable, we have to hold off another day for recording until it settles again."


I move my cables around all the time. ALL the time, because I’m often switching them between various speakers I own. Or merely re-adjusting them along the floor (they are in a fairly high traffic area in our house).   Does the sound ever change, the soundstage collapse, the sound get duller etc? No. Never.

But then I guess I haven’t spent the mega bucks on high end cables that can’t handle that type of abuse ;-)

Actually, this thread should serve as example to newbies that there are indeed determined glib pseudo skeptics right here on this forum and on this thread who would have you believe it’s best to be closed-minded and pseudo-skeptical when it comes to anything that is half way controversial in this hobby.
No Geoff, you are wrong. This thread should in fact serve as an example to newbies in the hobby how people who never experiment with any cables are experts on all cable related matters
I just love this thread. I am referring people from other sites to this one as an example of how insane audiophile drivel can be. Simply unbelievable that this could even be a topic that any would think is serious.
  All kidding aside though I moved from Texas to Tennessee and it took a half year before the cables recrystalized into audiophile capable quality again. I know a dude who moved to Australia and until the cables reacclimated themselves to southern hemisphere dynamics the signal ran backwards. I kid you not. No really it did. Darndest thing he ever saw and if he had not witnessed it would not have believed it. He flew back to the states for a visit recently and was telling me about it all. It was very difficult understanding him until I figured out he was talking backwards until he reacclimated to the northern hemisphere again.