moving coil loading

I'm getting back into my audiophile hobby and dusting off my vintage gear. I have a question on the preamp loading impedance my Fidelity Research MC-201 cartridge. The specs for the cartridge are:

Stylus: 0.3 x 2mil line-contact solid diamond stylus

Output voltage: 0.16mV

Coil impedance: 8 ohms

Load impedance: 10 ohms

My Acoustat Trans nova preamp allows me to install any resisters required for loading the MC circuit. Just not sure on what value resistors to use. Any guidance would be appreciated. If more information is needed let me know


A general rule of thumb is that the load resistance is at 10 times or higher than the coil impedance.

My suggestion is buy a metal film resistor kit, starting with 82Ω, and try different values ​​to find what works best for you.


must be an error, load impedance guidance: probably 100 ohms, not 10.

gain and load are inverse. high gain/low load. low gain/high load

yours is a difficult combination of very low signal strength and 8 ohm resistance.

an X Factor of 25 would boost 0.16mv to 4.0mv, I like that.

X factor 25 squared = 625. 47000 / 625 = 75 ohm load, a bit low ....

X factor 20 boost’s 0.16mv to 3.2mv weaker than I would want.

x factor 20 squared = 400. 47000 / 400 = 118 ohm load, good.

don’t forget, there is a slight loss of signal strength, i.e. calculated 4.0mv might actually be 3.8mv; 3.2mv might actually be 3.0mv, just guessing here.


solution: for cartridges with these difficult relationships: a phono stage with separate gain choices and separate load choices. opens up the choices to nearly anything. they get expensive.

Or, change to a cartridge with more compatible relationship, in your case, lower impedance, or higher output.



I went from knowing nothing to learning here, then researching ... for myself and friends.

I made a virtual system with copies of SUT pages I have gathered

sut info

you will need to increase your screen’s zoom to read some charts


SUT indications can be quite confusing, i.e.

my Fidelity Research FRT-4, in round numbers:

setting 3 ohms is x Factor 36. (+31 db)

setting 10 ohms is x factor 21 (+26db) (possibly what your #10 is referring to?)

setting 30 ohms is x factor 18 (+25db)

setting 100 ohms is x factor 11 (+20db)


a borderline low signal strength needs to be checked against your preamp’s mm phono sensitivity, i.e. my mx110z preamp's phono sensitivity is 3.0 mv. thus the calculated 3.2mv above would not be my choice.