Moving to France

We are planning a move to France fairly soon. Does anyone know the best way to cleanly transform the 240v european voltage down to 117 without a bunch of hum?

Once there, try to check out some restaurants and bakeries run by American ex-pats. They’re off the beaten track but are making a huge splash in the culinary world. I saw it on some cooking channel and can’t, for the life of me, remember which one, or I’d send you a link.

You’re in the wine capital of the world, and for that, I’m jealous. 🍷🍷🍷

All the best,
"what about snail conversion?"

Not the best choice. It slows the rhythm a bit.

Enjoy France, it is a pleasant place in fact.
France is great! Toured it quite extensively.
The major cities are like any other, apart from the usual tourist traps. The countryside is fabulous.