@ mattshere that’s nice. But also to be expected and not surprising especially with your choice of DAC. Isn’t it awesome tho??!!
what we really need to hear and quantify , per the OP’s question, is what happens to overall SQ if you replace the Node 2 with a dedicated (DAC-less) streamer: Lumin U1 mini, Innous zen, project, etc.
still use your Schiit, but change out the node 2 or 2i.
what happens, why, and how much?
what we really need to hear and quantify , per the OP’s question, is what happens to overall SQ if you replace the Node 2 with a dedicated (DAC-less) streamer: Lumin U1 mini, Innous zen, project, etc.
still use your Schiit, but change out the node 2 or 2i.
what happens, why, and how much?