MP150 or MP200

I am currently using a Nagaoka MP110 cartridge and want to upgrade . I really like the Nagaoka sound and was considering staying with the Nagaoka sound . My question is will I get a considerable upgrade in sound going to the next level cartridge which would be the MP150 which would be a 329.00 investment or in order to get that big upgrade I would have to go to the MP200 which would put me almost at the 500.00 mark .
Nags are WAY overpriced for what you get, AND what you hear.

You need to expand your horizons.

For THAT kind of money, you can select many vintage carts and original styli (multiple!) that will absolutely TROUNCE the Nags, ALL of them!
Wolfie62 would you share a few of those combos that you’ve tried and recommend? I’m looking to explore some different vintage carts. 
Apart from the Nagaoka for which I agree went overboard when they changed their pricing I' ve been considering Denon DL 110 , DL 301 2 , Grado Opus 3 new timbre series , Audio Technica New OCL series , Vessel cartridges Ortofon Quintet red .
Peter Lederman, of SoundSmith has stated in his videos, that the suspensions in cartridges have limited lives, whether they are in use, or brand new..sitting in a box for years...decades.. in a warehouse. The suspension gets stiffer over time, degrading the sound quality.
Are these vintage cartridges being recommended immune from that issue?
Yes, obviously his business rebuilds cartridges and manufactures new ones, but Peter KNOWS cartridge technology.
Just asking, since many forum members know way more than I do about cartridges.
Is he referring to moving cross cartridges or does that extend to mm, mc and in the case of Nagaoka.. mp (moving permaloy)?
You know when someone mentioned vintage cartridges I thought of the same thing and up to where I know all cartridges must have some type of suspension as what then supports the cantilever .

Case in point , the mentioned Sony cartridge , when I investigated it goes all the way back to the 70s . I personally would never buy a cartridge that has been sitting on a shelf for 5 decades no less !