The most popular MPEG formats today are MPEG1 and MPEG2. MPEG2 is the encoding used on DVD's. MPEG1 is the encoding used on Video CD's (VCD), which never really took off in the U.S., but are big in Japan (quality is similar to VHS, and the format is stored on CD media...many DVD players will read VCD format). Then there is the assortment of MPEG formats for the computer.
Possible your light is for DVD MPEG2 playback and/or Video CD MPEG1 playback, and possibly some computer playback formats as well. Experimentation may yield clues.
Possible your light is for DVD MPEG2 playback and/or Video CD MPEG1 playback, and possibly some computer playback formats as well. Experimentation may yield clues.