
Just received the below article in my Google links:


initial gut reaction was something along the lines of "oh for crying out loud, leave it alone, this isn’t needed". They state their mission is to rival Qobuz and Tidal.

I’m not sure there’s enough room in the marketplace, what with Qobuz, Tidal (post-MQA), Spotify, Amazon etc; but who knows. That's without  even getting into the whole MQA debacle



They paid very little to acquire MQA.

Some things are cheap for a reason — it’s an answer to a question nobody asked.  I don’t wanna listen to what some obscure algorithm thinks a song should sound like, but to each his own.  I wouldn’t be betting my $$$ on this succeeding. 

I tend to agree re: MQA being solution to a problem that doesn't really exist (any longer). If this new venture is built around MQA I think it may fail, dismally. If MQA is their only USP......well we've been here before; I'm not sure what the logic is, unless they're going to offer something significantly different to the current major streaming marker leaders. Catalogue-wise, all bases are already covered. (I don't listen to much Classical, but I'm aware that there are specialist streaming services already)

If it actually does sound better, without having to invest in new equipment, I’m all for it. But we shall see if it lives up to the promises…

If my system gets any better my head will explode from the extreme wonderfulness of it. Nobody needs that.

@wolf_garcia 😂 no, definitely don’t want your head to explode. Plus, think of the mess someone would have to clean-up