Msb dacs why not alot of postings

These are vonsifered the best out i wrong ?

" "Once I heard DA2, I could no longer listen to Rockna Signature in my system."

these types of hyperbolic statements are completely meaningless in any logical discourse. What did you hear, what with, what are the comparison notes, how good is your hearing, what was the environment, nothing is mentioned. Par for the course. "
While he didn't specifically state what he liked better about the DA2,  if I understand his post correctly both were in his system, in his room so the "with what", "what environment" are covered; and think he has the "how good is your hearing" covered.
It's a vintage system, anchored by single ended tube amps. Which while I am sure sounds very nice, but I highly doubt it is neutral in any way. Now his statement becomes even more questionable.

Before you ask, yes I have had zero feedback class A single ended tube amps, as well as push pull class A/B tube amps, and solid state amps.
Not following your characterization of the system - "vintage", or your thoughts he could not hear the difference between these DACs in that system? 
Only if he heard a difference between DACs without knowing which was playing and could pick it out better than chance. Then it might be of some value otherwise it's useless info.