MSB Reference or Audio Research Reference 10 ?

Hi everyone, after building some JBL DD 55000 Everest’s I’m looking at my final upgrade component. I have an MSB Platinum iv Dac and ref 150 amp currently in my system which I really like, but having read many posts here and on other forums both get really great reviews. The Everest’s have very Hi end crossovers that utterly transformed the speakers, these are built from scratch and in a word they are simply stunning. So I love ARC and MSB products and think that either of these could take to the next level.

I like  the bloom of the ARC house sound and like the simplicity of MSB one box solution. If anyone have experience with these in there system with horn speakers I appreciate for feedback or experience in this area.
garbage in <-> garbage out.........

your post is a bit obscure as far as exactly what question you are asking. as best as i can determine, you are wondering if a dedicated preamp upgrade to the Ref 10, keeping the older Platinum V MSB dac as your source, will be preferable to replacing the Platinum V with the MSB Reference dac with it's really fine built in passive preamp? will the jump in dacs give you more than the change in preamps?

as a MSB Select II owner who uses my $45k darTZeel preamp, but......who has compared it directly to the passive pre in the Select, i'd be immediately switching to the MSB Reference dac.

like i said, garbage in <-> garbage out. the source rules. and the MSB Reference is a big step up over the previous generation Platinum my ears. and that passive pre is outstanding. you still have your ARC amps for some bloom. personally i'd probably prefer the MSB passive pre--ARC amp combo over one with the Ref 10.....but that's me.

OTOH the ARC Ref 10 is a wonderful preamp. if that big bloomy sound is what floats your boat then there you go.

That’s what I was getting at. I bought the MSB because of the passive pre. Having owned a bent passive I love the sound of passive pre amps. I agree that the MSB Reference is maybe the way to go but looking for people who use this equipment with big JBL horn systems. The ARC combo synergy is very impressive to listen too, however MSB is the best digital source I’ve heard to date.
ARC usually use Delta Sigma based dacs, where MSB are discrete R2R ladder dacs. To me they have their own sounds.

On great recordings my MSB discrete R2R can't be touched, but on bad recordings it shows them up as so.
My YBA dac is Delta Sigma, on great recordings it's not as good as the MSB, but on bad recordings it's a bit more listenable than the MSB.

I listen more to the MSB, if I have a dinner party where all the old stuff is played in the background I use the YBA.

Cheers George 

Beside a Linn CD12 and the YBA I use a rare earlier (still the discrete R2R ladder network) MSB PowerDac Gold 4. (doesn’t have true balanced outputs, that I never use anyway)
It’s is a huge heavy brute as you can imagine it has 5 x gel-cell rechargeable batteries inside, doesn’t have the glitzy readouts or machined chassis ect, it’s more a KISS approach from MSB, but with super power supply being pure battery.
It’s said to be like a no frills version of the Platinum but with battery to be even cleaner in power supply department.

Cheers George