Music for "Tough Times"

When you're feeling lousy, or maybe just had a tough day, what one LP, CD, tape, etc. do you play to make you feel better? In my case it's Cowboy Junkies CD "The Caution Horses". Margo Timmins voice is at once soft and soothing, but also haunting and immediate. This is music that I can get lost in. What music do others use on occasions like this?
One of the best mood albums has to be Sigur Ros' "(_)". For those of you who dont know them, theyre a group from Iceland who play some very emotional and relaxing music and its a decent recording too. Highly recommended!
Great thread, and great responses!!! This thread's been going for 2 years!!! Sreno, I was wondering when someone would mention Tom! Besides the ones already mentioned (I listen to many of them myself), I'd like to add Peter Gabriel, old David Bowie, Tori Amos, Portishead and Radiohead.
By the way, Thebeave250, thanks for the Sigur Ros' recommendation! I sampled it online, and ordered it. Have you ever listened to Mercury Rev... in fact, "Deserter's Song" is another great choice for this list.
First off it has to be a LP. And when I want chills all over my arms I crank up Aerosmith - Get your wings