Music for "Tough Times"

When you're feeling lousy, or maybe just had a tough day, what one LP, CD, tape, etc. do you play to make you feel better? In my case it's Cowboy Junkies CD "The Caution Horses". Margo Timmins voice is at once soft and soothing, but also haunting and immediate. This is music that I can get lost in. What music do others use on occasions like this?
If you feel lousy and you realy want to go up up... - just play:
Mozart - Symphoies no. 39 or no. 41 - Bruno Walter - Columbia symphony Orchestra
Good luck !!
When I'm down I seem to draw comfort from tragic or melancholy music. Some of the music of Beethoven, Brahms, Shostakovich,and Billie Holiday fill the bill then.

When I'm already in a great mood, some of the music of Beethoven, Mozart, Saint-Saens, or Ravel can help me celebrate, as can some rock, klezmer, tango, or Latin jazz.

Someone mentioned "Melissa" by the Allman Brothers. I like this song but I always become very sad and almost tearful, for a few minutes, whenever I hear it. "I Want You Back" by the Jackson Five has the opposite effect. Whatever mood I am in, hearing this song will make me fell like I've just had a double espresso and a shot of tequila, at least for the few minutes that it's playing.