Music Hall Stealth Power Supply

Has anyone swapped out the Music Hall Steath's 12v2A wall wart power supply for a 12V 2A linear power supply? If so, what brand/model LPS did you choose, and did you realize a discernible SQ benefit?


I have, using an Sbooster.

I believe any improvement to SQ was the result of reducing noise in the system rather than improving the performance of the turntable. After reconfiguring my system that Sbooster now powers an Etheregen and I went back to using the stock wall wart for my Stealth.

The Stealth still sound great, running a Sumiko Starling through a Rothwell MCL SUT and Hegel v10.

Txs @lukemaximus .  I'm going to continue to use the wall wart. I inserted a Puron filter where I have the wall wart plugged in so I'll get the noise reduction that way.