Music Reference RM200 - Running so hot

Hi all,

I recently purchased RM200 from an Audiogoner.
What a great amp!! I definitely brought up my Harbeth speakers to another level.

My only concern is that the amp runs so hot. I had Cary V12 (runs 12 EL34) before but it wasn't this hot. Is it normal for KT88 based amps? I cannot touch the panel after 3 hrs of play.

Thanks for you help in advance.
Call RAM as suggested and give them the serial number. They will take over from there.
I would look at the bias as well. This is a hybrid amp and I've listened to Roger's personal RM-200 and never got the impression it was an amp that ran hot. My RM-10 MkII runs cool with very little stress on the tubes.
I have an RM9MKII and after 3 hours of play I can't leave my hand on the top plate either. Going on over 12 years now with nary a hiccup. My feeling is if the output tube plates aren't glowing I wouldn't be overly concerned, but you should check your bias with a good digital meter. Couldn't hurt to shoot Roger an email though.
Thanks a lot.
Had to change a couple of tubes due to gas leaking problem.
But, happy ever after that... It's a great amp!!! Keeper for long long time.