Musical Fidelity A308 vs, A3.2 int amps

any audible differences in sound between these two integrated amps. I have a MF A3.2 and was thinking of upgrading to A308 (speakers B&W signature 805's)
Haven't heard both side by side but I wonder if it's more a choice of type of sound vs. quality of sound. A3.2 separates leaner and quicker. A308 more bass, more rolled off highs.
IMO the new A5 beats them all
I heard B&W 703 driven by A3.2, A308 and A5

A5 sounded the best
and I took it home with the 703

It's cheaper than A308, too
I ended up getting the A308 and there is a marked difference when compared to the A3.2; better lows, better sounstage not as bright and I am no longer getting the listener's fatigue I was getting with the A3.2. The bad news is that I have a disease that makes me want to upgrade every six months or so... should I listen to the trivista or the new A5.. gotta go my wife is ready to kill me!