Musical, high powered Amp under $1k

I'm looking for a new (used..?) amp around $1,000. So far I've liked the anthem HCA 20 amp the best between my modded Acurus a100, and a Mcintosh MC 2105 (first taste of Mac and I was very unimpressed).

Anyways, it seems both myself and my Paradigm Signature 2's V.3 like a more powerful amp, like the Anthem, so with that in mind, what amps should I be looking at? I'm thinking I can get something as powerful as the Anthem with a touch more air and sweetness to it, for the same $ the anthem would cost me $1100 (ouch).

Usually I can find a few amps in the $1k range that look tempting but I'm stumped right now...
If you come across a Denon PMA 2000IVR I would get it. It's conservatively rated at 80wpc into 8 ohms, 160 into 4 ohms, and puts out a prodigious amount of current. I always found it to be quite musical and a tremendous bargain.
Thank you everyone who replied.

Sooo.... I won't buy Musical Fidelity anymore because my v-dac broke after 1 month and took 3 months before the salesman just gave me a new one because they were sick of dealing with those MF guys... Worst customer service ever.

I don't mind people offering thier amps for sale on the thread; if it fits the criteria, thanks for the thought and option.

I do like Monarchy Audio and would consider them.

I did look up the Sumo Andromeda and the Belles also. Both good options, thanks!

I ended up going with a Classe CA-200 purchased locally for $850.
B limo, same reason I won't touch MF gear at any price.
Well maybe an amp for 10 bucks.
"06-02-14: Tls49

05-31-14: Zd542
You would probably like a Rotel RB1090.

I'm thinking you meant the Rotel RB1080 at 200w/ch, as I can't see this 2-way monitor needing 380w/ch."

Sorry, I just saw that post. Actually, I did mean the 1090. I know its a big amp, but I was just going by sound quality (and it matches the type of sound you are asking for). Its one of those components that Rotel really got right. Kind of like the RCD-1070 CD player. The sound quality is much better than the 1080; its not just a bigger version of the same basic design.