Musicians in your living room vs. you in the recording hall?

When it comes to imaging, soundstage and mimicking a recorded presentation, which do you prefer?
Do you want to hear musicians in your living room, or do you want to be transported to the space where the musicians were?
Transported is the ideal option in YOUR MUSIC ROOM! Your room is not a CONCERT HALL- but the PROGRAM MATERIAL- Speakers and components can bring you a sensory/ audible impression of the hall . Plain, simple and precise!
Reviews for July: The Sound Advocate (
DALI Oberon 7 loudspeakers (new) ...Tellurium Q black 2 Speaker Cables...,Peachtree Nova 300 Amp- circa 2019.... CIA passive Preamp/ 200 watt power amp 
Transported is the ideal option in YOUR MUSIC ROOM! Your room is not a CONCERT HALL- but the PROGRAM MATERIAL- Speakers and components can bring you a sensory/ audible impression of the hall . Plain, simple and precise!

You’re kidding, right? 😳
My system is capable of both. I want both, depending on what the musicians and engineers intended. An example of 'up close and personal' is Radiohead's recording of 'King of Limbs', a live recording done in The Basement, with just the band and engineers.
My system is capable of transporting me through an obelisk and across the universe to a room where time warps until I grow old and die and am reborn as a star child.