One thing I find interesting and is a pretty consistent theme on these types of threads/subjects, many of the indiv getting out of vinyl are the ones that have been at it for decades and decades. I suppose the whole ritual and $ looses its appeal to convenience after some time?
Not at all criticizing that if that’s the case. Just interesting to see how many are getting out of it and how many are entering it are - again just a perception.
Personally, I have spent all my energy on room, setup, learning the dig side of things etc…one day something sparked my TT interest (not for wishing to better my dig or due to being bored with dig, far from it) just the mechanical / physical aspect of it. The more I researched it (and have fantastic friends/resource with vinyl experience) I thought hmmm that would be cool to add another format/ method to my rig. Thats where I’m at currently.
The one obvious thing about considering a vinyl rig is the $. For me to add this medium is finding the right balance of not too cheap and not too $ with regard to SQ. Not trying to match my dig side but just getting something that’s fun and enjoyable. I have no expectations of surpassing my dig