My Apologies to Miller Carbon

You suggested I leave my solid state components on all the time in spite of the trickle charge when off. Today after almost 2 weeks I heard better more solid lows, more air between the instruments, less hash, etc. Miller Carbon also introduced me to the Schumann Generators (2) which I also find helpful. I have very heavy Vandersteen speakers and am deliberating those suggested springs. Thanks MC

to restrict your options due to the promotion of someone you disagree with sure gives that person a boat load of power.

Good one. 

Frank, that was a classic. Thanks for reminding me.

Chuck, if I may call you that, I hope we have the chance to meet one day. We'll disagree about a lot, but what's the point of associating only with those who mirror one's own worldview? You've given a great deal to this forum, and as this thread proves, many of us appreciate it. So: thanks.

You may. And you're welcome.   


My favorite philosopher Alan Watts says he wants people to disagree, because that is how you learn both who you are and who they are.   

The world of ideas is like everything else: competition is good. It is how we improve.  

The main problem or stumbling block is unlike in sports where everyone knows the rules, in the realm of ideas hardly anyone knows the rules, or worse, they learned the wrong ones.  

When people actually follow the rules... I was dead set against springs until one day out of the blue some guy I never heard of before said, "Hear me out". He then proceeded to lay out such a good case for springs I went from opposition to advocate in a matter of minutes. By the end of the day 'whether or not' was 'done and gone' and it was all about how to do it. That guy was Rick. I learned a lot from him then and have learned a lot more since.   

For years, decades really, experience had me convinced of the waste of DIY cables. Until one day out of the blue some guy I never heard of before sent me some he had made, one of which was so good it was hard to believe. That guy was Lubos and his Moneoone power cables are now confirmed serious high end by more than just me.  

Reason I mention those, neither one of them was looking for someone they knew would just automatically agree. Lubos in particular sought me out precisely because he knew that being hard on DIY in general I would be skeptical and hard on him. 

So that's the way it goes. For every one bent out of shape at losing an argument or not being agreed with there's plenty more happy to find that is the case.

Where's the sport in playing with the guy who lets you win? Why would you even bother?

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Its laughable so many clowns on here hate MC.  I dont even seek out his advice, but through trial and error/tinkering I find it.   I just come here for the advice of those who know.  Carbon is one of those.  Hes a braggart sure, and I can see how some may feel he belittles them, but he knows his audio. Much more then his detractors.  Whatever their disdain is for him it has nothing to do with his audio knowledge, its a personality issue.

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100% agree with the ’’true’’ postings on behalf of millercarbon!

MC without a doubt has considerable experience both traditional and outside the box. I always appreciate the obvious time and thought he puts into his responses.

He is among a few select other members (that I have come across) whose contributions carry any weight regarding system/component setup/selection, troubleshooting, and especially tweaking in simple, elegant and cost effective ways (many of which I actually tried with great success).

No I am not part of any ’’MC hairum’’.

Just respectfully sharing my honest opinion.

Oh, my Hegel, Ampzilla 2000 2nd edition monoblocks and a Forte 1A are left on 24/7 unless I am away for a few days (or thunderstorms).
DACs, phonstages also 24/7.
All SS.

Keep on truckin’ MC!