My Boston Acoustics Radio stopped working

The AM section on my Boston Acoustics Receptor clock AM/FM radio stopped working (no sound) and the FM section works fine. The clock radio is very old and probably not worth fixing. Most likely, any needed parts are not available. I called Boston Acoustics and am waiting for them to call. Their customer service seems to be slow (?).

Any recommendations for a high quality clock AM/FM radio? Internet connectivity and/or Bluetooth are okay but not required.

The C. Crane CCRadio 3 AM/FM looks interesting. Does anyone have other clock AM/FM radios I should look at?

Thanks for the above suggestions.  I rebooted my Boston Acoustics Radio by turning the power OFF for 2 minutes and then turned it back on again.  It is working fine and I am keeping it.  
I purchased this because it is the only affordable alarm clock that allows me to wake up to a cd.   it has Bluetooth capability and I have tried to purchase speakers for my laptop so I can listen to music on youtube
As per my above post, my Boston Acoustics Receptor clock AM/FM radio finally stopped working. I Purchased the CCRadio 2E Enhanced AM/FM, NOAA Weather, 2-Meter Ham Band Portable Radio and it works great.

“Since the CCRadio’s original debut the external design has remained the same but there have been countless revisions inside to improve performance, durability and audio. It is one of the most popular portables manufactured and many experts feel it is the best AM radio made.

This radio also has the NOAA weather band and alert along with the 2-meter Ham band. More information about the 2-Meter Ham Band can be found at”. 

The CCRadio 2E Enhanced AM/FM, NOAA Weather, 2-Meter Ham Band Portable Radio is recommended. A great clock radio.