Magico Q7 II and Gryphon Solo are a great pairing. They sound exquisite with the new Koda amps as well.
People are always going to hype up what they are selling, how else would they unload it...??
I have been auditioning the following PC; Odin, OMEGA, and AQ Dragon.
I prefer Odin in my system/room (MBL) amps directly into the wall outlet (dedicated).
Best, Jose |
@jerryhb - look up audiogon member "bigkidz", he provides repairs/restoration. I use Pyramid Audio, located in Austin, TX. They fo excellent work.
Jose. |
I agree with previous posters;
Jose |
I do not think it should matter as to who owns the gear WC reviews, sells, and or trades. No one is forced to make a purchase. It's great that he has access to this level of gear and reports (his opinions) upon its performance or lack thereof. If one doesn't like the gear being auditioned or disagrees with the "opinions" given; move on, it's that simple.
Respectfully, Jose |
@WC - dammed if you do and dammed if you don't...(respectfully) i ask you, why do you respond?? do the best of you and no need for apologies. I have to agree, however, if you ask for opinions, be ready for the good and the BAD. I joined this site to read and hopefully gain a better understanding of gear better than mine; I was trying to duplicate high-end sound on a shoe-string budget. there are threads on this site where people are ridiculed for their stereo gear, not being "high-end" enough. You are ridiculed because your gear is high-end and should hang around "what's best" "show off". Keep up the good work and enjoy!!
with kind regards, Jose |
Most anyone sourcing an amp/speakers of this magnitude understand the liabilities; including many of us have placed LARGE speakers in small rooms? Many choices in audio, buy what fits and suits your wallet and fancy.
@techno You are correct, it is superior to your liking. You assume, i don't have good headphones. At this level, System synergy, system set up, & room are all important. One, can't negate any one of these...
Jay, Boulder recommends the power supply and linestage be separated by two feet or so. How much of an effect may be had by doing so?
@speedbump6 Thank you. I have many vintage pieces and newer, expensive (relative) gear as well, are these high priced items better than the vintage; yes, slightly, IMO. Do I think the disparity in cost versus slightly better (subjective to my ears) is worth it (to me); yes, absolutely. Thankfully, gear of all types, makes, topologies and price points are available.
Again, it is all subjective. Some of us don't have the need/urge to constantly be changing, some don't have the funds, some don't have a dedicated room, some exercise wife approval...the list is long. At the end of the day, it dosent matter. Enjoy your current gear and spend your money as you like.
Good luck in all you do, Jose |
At this level of equipment/gear it's all personal preference... one example; the previous owner of the Boulder 2150's, gave up some high end amplifiers (Boulder 2050, Boulder 2150, CH Precision M1.1) to move into the Mephisto monos. There isn't a looser and or winner, just different. Obviously, how well one can integrate and match components will yield varying results in his/her room.
Good luck in all you do, Jose |
Bad recordings within any media will make a good system sound subpar. Again, one must pay attention to as many of the details as possible, regardless of the equipment used (assuming the system is sufficiently revealing).
How many of us attend audio shows?? How many of you are willing to pay an entrance fee to each and every one of the demo rooms, or at least, the rooms that peak your interest??
take care, Jose |
@whitecamaross , to compare the XS300 to your current set up is a mistake. Completely different setups, cabling, speakers, pre, stands and so forth. Not only that, but you're not using your phone to record anymore either. Much like yorr response in regards to Block audio amps, and any other gear, outside of what is currently in Your room. The only valid assessments are those made when gear is compared when all conditions/ancillary gear is the same. Boulder told you footers wouldn't make a difference under their amps, and yet, you did just that. However, in the Boulder manual, it CLEARLY states you separate the pre from its power supply and you claimed it "wouldn't make a difference ". Jay, I, like others have bought items from you; so to ask someone who asked you a valid question to relax; that no one is buying gear at this price point is disenginious. Not long after that, you post that "one of your amps is sold". I understand why you stay away from little known product lines, Coda gear may just surprise you in a good way, very much like your new pass amps. By the way, if anyone wants to compare their Pass 60.8 to the XS300, youre welcome to my house. I will repeat my sentiments; at this level nothing crushes / destroys anything... its about preferences. If M Fremmer wanted Boulder, Pass, Mephisto, he would have it; instead, he owns and listens to the big Darts. , I'm not a dealer for any brand.
Respectfully, Jose |
What is the objective of all this gear, thread, and videos.? Can anyone really appreciate or differentiate without being inside your room? A set of cables or ancillary gear can match one component and not the other, so, can true comparisons be made? How much of a difference would all those acoustic treatments made to the other gear/systems presented in the past, for better or worse? How many here are seeking your advice, and are they going to purchase the level of gear you present? Many of us are trying to reach SOTA sound for as little as possible and thus the comparisons of less costly gear to your expensive gear. Present what you hear, some will agree others won't. Again, what is the objective?
Respectfully, Jose |
Jay, respected members of Agon and WBF have sold their top end amps to get into the Mephisto Solos. Those who have Solos claim the huge differences between Solos and stereo. Something else to note of the Solo, is their ability to present the decay, timbre and texture within the music. Lastly, the Nagra HD HV preamp is an excellent match with the Stereo and Solos, much better than the Pandora.
Respectfully, Jose
Jay, in your opinion, essence is better than Solos?
Respectfully, Jose |
@logydoghan i have first hand experience with the Nagra HV preamp. IMO and to my taste, Nagra bested Gryphon, Dan, Pass XP32, Boulder 2010, ARC Ref 6SE and a few others (all paired with Gryphon Mephisto Solos). In my listening sessions the only pre that bested Nagra HV was the new Koda 15SE.
Regards, Jose |
@jay. I can't speak about the "classic " series, as I've never auditioned it. However, the Nagra HD HV pre is a winner/keeper; all the usual caveats - my room, amps, ancillary gear and musical taste. I would however, immediately replace it with the Koda 15se...
Jose |
@logydoghan. When auditioning those brands, I was interested in a new line stage and did not compare amps. I don't have any experience with the particular models mentioned. I use Gryphon Mephisto Solos for amplification. Not only is this hobby subjective, but the end results can/may vary once set up in YOUR room. I am NOT a fanboy of any manufacturer; like most in this forum, im searching for true fidelity. Having said that, i am very fond of the PASS XS sound (i owned them).
Good luck in your search, Jose |
@logydoghan. Yes, i auditioned all the preamps i listed earlier; in my room. Seriously consider a Nagra HD HV. It was miles better than Pandora. I use Audioquest Dragon PC on all my components. I do admit, i have never tried replacing fuses. All of my components sit on HRS racks, CMS platforms, SRA shelves and Minus K isolation base; or whatever i can afford. The room is treated with ASC and Real Traps and Accoustic Geometry for diffusion.
@Jay. Very well said and duly noted.
Gentlemen, this is all subjective.
Respectfully, Jose
Has anyone here compared the extreme to the Wadax? If so, which did you prefer?