whooooaaaa, well, well... look at this!
The thread was DEAD and now it is starting to take off again. It appears to me that a little controversy, drama, etc is just what people need from time to time.
To address the comments above, I was very clear and still stand behind what i said:
IF YOU ARE A YOUTUBER AND THIS IS YOUR 9-5, A DEDICATED ROOM IS A MUST. I never said this applies to you folks who are hobbyist and have regular jobs. I started this in my living room (as mrdecibel said) and was able to gather enough funds to build a dedicated room once i became more serious about it.
I have been vocal about this: I DO NOT DO THIS 100% (FULL TIME) I need health insurance, 401k, etc, etc, but i treat it as if it was a full time job because I work my @$$ off doing content, driving far to pick up equipment, spending ridiculous amounts of money to present to you some of the finest electronics available today.
I wear many hats:
- Employee
- Husband
- Dad
- Youtuber
- Sales Person (selling my own gear on here)
It is not easy to do what I do (try it and see how much fun it is).
I will definitely continue to voice my opinion (this is all subjective) because people want to know my deepest thoughts about many different subjects. Lots of people were sending me links to the video that was made about someone calling out reviewers who are not ready to review speakers because reviewers sometimes don’t have the proper room - so I responded.
Differences of opinion are a real thing in everyday life. Often times people just want an opinion about a component and these opinions can be had from anyone at your local best buy or even your local grocery store, but if you want QUALIFIED OPINIONS on equipment then that is A WHOLE DIFFERENT animal. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which opinion you are looking for.