My New Large Advents

OH MY GOODNESS!! I bought a pair of re foamed Large Advents on Ebay. Just unpacked them and hooked them up to my reference system (MacMini, Amarra, Rotel DAC, ARC SP17, ARC VS60, Nordost Purple Flair, Shunyata Power) in place of my Golden Ear T2s. I can't believe how good these crazy 37 year old speakers are. And no subwoofer!!! Do they image as well? Not quite, but not bad. The highs seem a little bright in extended mode but not bad in normal. If I had bought these back in 1973 when I bought my first system, I might never have traded for anything else. They are really dynamic. Very efficient. My room is 32'x18' with a 20' cathedral ceiling and these things with 60 watts of tube are rockin like crazy.

So has anyone done a mirror image mod on the tweeters and if so, did it accomplish anything?

Showing 1 response by isochronism

"All in all not bad for a girl" ?
I never was taken in by "The weaker sex" scam.