Jrd351 - B.B. was probably listening to Anne Murray when he wrote that. LOL on your post, but I whole-heartedly disagree. Most of the music is in the midrange, and if you don't get that right, you ain't got squat! Bringing it to the magical level that good SET amplifcation is capable of is more like "being there" to me than anything offered by other forms of amplificatiion. SET amplification thoughtfully paired off with an efficient speaker offers the most engaging, holographic presentation of the live music experience I've encountered, and is capable of very satisfying levels without clipping. The 'hair-rasing' presense of such a system is downright spooky. When driven to clipping (which on my work system is loud enough to wake the dead), it is also far more listenable than an SS system driven beyond it's limits. Though the thought of Anne Murray played at any level is enough to drive me out of the room! No experience with the 845 tube at all, but I do love the 300B in my works system (which is lacking neither in bass nor highs IMO, but would fall short if compared with SS), as well as the 2A3 sound of my home system which is more dimensional, albeit less dynamic and full range as my work system (the 2A3 is a PP and not SET though). As far as the SS alternatives are concerned........."send in the clowns, there ought to be clowns!"