My Rogue 99 preamp is haunted?

Only when its powered on...

The volume selector turns itself down. I watch it go where there is no volume at all. I watch it spin within 10 seconds all the down.

When he preamp is powered off it stays in whatever position i put it.

Any ideas or is off for service?

Thanks for the help in advance.
That's awesome and I'm sure Mark and the boys were happy it wasn't something serious (and you too). I'm in Philjolet's camp but ts when I change volume on my integrated it changes volume level on my CDP which is also a pre amp. If I mute the amp it mutes the CDP as well.
P-R-E-A-M-P-S on a Scrabble board,... if you can get one of the P's on a double letter square, any letter on a triple word square, and a 50 point bonus for using 7 letters ..... Wow !!!!... that could be worth 98 points ! Nice move !