my room sounds dead

My new room sounds really dead. I have to increase volume 3 times to get the same playing level that I had in my first room. There is no bass response. The walls are composed by rockwool covered by middle density wood panels. Ceiling is covered by egg crates and there is a heavy carpet (that I don't want to change) on the floor. What are the more efficient solutions to increase the bass response and get my room sounding more "living". I use electrostatic panels as speakers (strangely sounded plenty of bass in my first room --> L:4m l:3,2m h:2,5m sorry I don't know what it makes in feet). I've tried to put speakers closers to the walls but it sounds worst. I can hear all low frequencies when I stand up but when I'm sitting, it sounds poor and lifeless.
Thank you for helping me to go to the right way.
What were the dimensions of your last room? I've heard some most impressive bass while listening in my basement(25 to 35 feet from the speakers). I can remember about wavelength and distance ....... DANGER! DANGER! UNUSED PORTION OF BRAIN BEING ACCESSED!!! I recall the most dramatic full lenght horns were to be about 35ft. length with a final opening of 11ft.x11ft. ( 10.7m x 3.4m x 3.4m). This going back 35 years in memory, should be close enough for example purposes. I am sure the more well versed engineers on this site could give you specifics about length vs. sound reproduction, Multiples of room dimensions, and wavelength multiples including 1/4 ,1/2 lengths and so on.
I do hope you can come up with a compromise if not a solution. GOD BLESS! Thomas.
Have you tried to move your speakers closer to the listening position? I take it, that they fire along the long side of the room. I would stick to the 1/3 to 2/3 rule and start experimenting from there. Dipoles need a fair distance from the backwall of the listening room to load the room properly.
take all the egg crates off the ceiling
move your speakers nearer to the back wall in 1" steps
use the equal distance triangle in your speaker setup

best of luck

Sorry, Audiotomb, but to my knowledge, contrary to most other speakers, moving DIPOLES closer to the wall, will make the sound even more dead.