My sacrilegeous question to audiophiles out there regarding parametric equalizer.

I recently upgraded my stylus to a 2m bronze and am enjoying it thoroughly. My question to the community is how many audiophiles use equalizers or tone controls to enhance the bass and detail? Thinking about getting a parametric equalizer. Any thoughts?
@orpheus10 .. so does using an equalizer automatically make some not an audiophile? At the end isn’t it all about enjoyment?

I see you received the typical assortment of comments, mostly from the "real audiophiles" out there. I’d say, you are the one that wants some changes and so I’d do just that. Don’t listen to all the naysayers, you are not playing music for them, you are playing it for yourself. Be happy however you do it.

Full disclosure: I’ve had a number of graphic EQs over the years. But haven’t had one for 12-13 years. I recently bought a new system and it has no tone controls but the system it replaced did have them and I used them often. And to tell you the truth, occasionally I wish I had them now. Playing music is supposed to make you happy so play it however and with whatever gear you want. Cheers

Musicians spend their entire lives learning how to play their respective instruments, and then they get with other musicians who are compatible to make music; when all are satisfied they lay down tracks of recordings.

You buy this music, and screw it up with an equalizer; like Pokey says "It's your show, run it any way you want to"
Of course you want some EQ. It is happening anyway, with your choice of source, amp, speaker and room. So as you are talking streaming here, use Roon’s parametric EQ filter, which is brilliant.
If your ears have become attuned to vinyl, with vinyl’s known signature, then EQ might help. But it won’t help reproduce vinyl’s inability to handle stereo bass properly, or the de-essing the mastering engineer did when cutting, or the fact that quality worsens as you get nearer the hole!