
Discussions luxmancl38 has started

Just added an isoAcoustic Aperta sub isolation stand.8781
Toroidal vs EI power amps any difference. 220613
Creed Taylor RIP12764
Anyone try the Rose RS180 Integrated?207620
Bryston's New Back To The Future Program.486217
Was my friend given misinformation. 794389
Using a bridged amp at 8 ohms w/a 4 ohm speaker.10623
Confused on should I Bi-Wire or Bi-Amp??9914
A $349 record brush388924
The Updated version of the Klipsch Jubilee is coming to NH12200
McIntosh amps can sure hold their value. This MC2300 just sold for $378,000!!13133
Nice extra free service at my local A/V store.13766
New Luxman 507Z Integrated coming in October.643614
The Luxman L-595A SE integrated is coming. 2289281
Outlaw 976 Processor discontinued17670