my Talon Khorus sounds bad

my Talon Khorus sounds bad...
i've recently purchased a preowned talon khorus loudspeakers (about a year old) ,
at high listening level rock music sounds compressed,
distorted...not what u'd expect from a 14000 dollars
(retail) .
those speakers are hooked with a nordost blue haven wire
to a krell 300i integraged amp and a rega planet 2000 cd
thanks and regards

Showing 1 response by avnut

My experience has taught me that most of what you hear and don't hear from your speakers are your front end and your cabling. I had to swap out my 801 matrix 2's for some circuit city dcm's because I blew a woofer. I was surprised to find that they didn't sound all that bad at low to medium listening levels. But they always sounded crappy with my aiwa receiver. (Those were my pre-audiophile days. :) )

If you like to drive your system to high volume levels at times, invest in the best separates you can afford. 250-300 ss watts into 8 ohms rating is perfect. Also, your cd player and preamp need to be well matched. I believe that if you can try out some product that fits these descriptions you will see the difference.