NAD takes on the Krell Beast 1800 vs 6700??

My friend has a Adcom 700 CDP,Krell KBL linestage,NAD S-200 amp 225wpc.Diva 6.1 speakers 88ohmHis friend is selling a Krell KSA-250 250+ wpcWe listened to the Krell for one day then the next day the NAD.The Krell was run balanced with a Transparent Audio Super Link power cord.The NAD was run unbalanced with the stock power cord.The Krell had tactile kick drum slam,clear highs and very clean mids.The soundstage was wide but lacked depth.I was surprised at the flat soundstage.Imaging was so,so.Overall it sounded boring.With the NAD the very first thing I noticed is how it almost sounded 'tube like'.It was smoother and warmer.The soundstage was not quite as wide as the Krell but it had real depth.Imaging way better.The NAD won hands down.WHY??
Sogood51, if all you have in response is irrational "junk talk," I guess that I have nothing more to say. It's your loss here, not mine, not David99's. No harm no foul, just trying to drop some knowledge, to use the parlance of our times, nothing more. If imaginary listening sessions suit some Krell owners, so be it, but please conduct them with a trace more respect for your fellow audiophool, as the personal and character attacks are more then a bit childish. Afterall, you don't want to tarnish the Krell Owner stereotypes, right....
Socrates, tarnish the Krell owner's stereotypes? and what are those? It sounds like you have some of those same stereotypes as dave, you know: Pity, Bose, numb nuts, you GIANT KILLER guy's are a class act all the way. If the other Krell owners did not read TROLL post here then thats fine, I did. People on this and other forum's slam amps all the time, thats fine with me, if a person does not like Krell products or any other product made by any company out there, who cares? I did not post just to stick up for Krell amps, I read all the posts as I would any other with an open mind. David99 is a Krell basher all the way, it's not rocket science to grasp. ALL TROLL posts, no matter what product will get input from me if I spot them. FWIW, 99% of people who don't like Krell are not TROLL's looking to bash, they just don't like Krell's sound, I can understand that and thats fine with me. Your responce to me only brings up the fact that (birds of a feather/due flock together). As far as the NAD goes, it could very well sound better than the Krell to lots of people, you seem to own one, is it the best sounding amp you own? Does it smoke your PS Audio? Do you think my Onkyo M-504 could smoke the NAD and your PS Audio? You seem to be SOCRATES on what a real GIANT KILLER is and sounds like, I'm just an imaginary Krell listener anyway and anyone who does not agree with you is just a irrational "junk talker". NAD takes on the KRELL BEAST 1800 vs. 6700?? Hey guy's, I always knew KRELL was over priced, over hyped, Bose junk, If you don't beleave me, just ask Socrates.
Socrates says that Krell owners are sensetive and any response they make to people who denegrate their equipment of choice is motivated by childishness. It's fine for him and other Krell bashers to conduct their attacks while anyone who responds is of questionable intelligence. The implication is anyone with enough money to buy Krell equipment is too stupid or of such impared hearing that they cannot tell how bad it sounds.

Isn't it incredible that all these Krell owners have no sense of hearing, but they coincidentally have the money to buy it. What exactly is the connection between money and hearing loss???

Why don't people who have money enough to buy Krell want a good sounding system too???

As a struggling ahdiophile who has scraped and saved to buy the equipment that I know sounds better than the other things I have owned and auditioned, I have a hard time not insulting the people who attack my hearing, and intelligence, and maturity, but I'm trying to refrain from doing so.

I am a small business owner who is struggling to get by and make ends meet, but I'm too stupid to be able to hear and buy quality audio gear!?!

I've listened to NAD and ignored it because it is not worthy of serious consideration! If you can't afford to buy good equipment, by all means go ahead and buy NAD or Sansui, or Bose, and Von Schwiekert.

I sincerely apologize for not having the wisdom, hearing, and insight to buy the same things you own. Maybe someday soon I will grow up or develop enough as a listener to appreciate everything you think is better.
What Drivel! I'm outta here, I have much better things to do then teach listening and apparently reading skills as well to children....