I think I am generally careful with all my vinyl, all have been cleaned recently (using a wet system and vac.), stored in appropriate inner liners and cleaned with a carbon fibre brush before playing. I do not currently own a stylist brush, cleaner or lubricant which, going forward I will be doing some research and hope to rectify. I do clean the tip with a very fine brush I have from one of my old record cleaning kits (must be twenty years old).
I have owned my direct drive Sansui SR-525 turntable from new and have learned over time to check all the adjustments on a regular basis, especially if I notice a change in sound with a familiar recording. I have adjusted my tone arm recently (having to relearn the process every time I do it!)- Including knife edge bearing, tracking calibration using a digital devise (reset weight if required), arm height adjustment (as required), refill drop arm reservoir with silicon as needed, anti-skating, and lateral weight adjustment (if needed). Insure speed control is accurate using an outside devise (speed control app.). I also check the speed oscilloscope on the platter every time I use the turntable.
I am always open to something I may be missing, so I try to keep an open mind as to what others are doing. The cartridge currently in use recommends a tracking force of 1.5 to 2.0 gram so I have it set for 1.75 grams which seems to be the sweet spot for my set-up as I have no issues with sound or tracking, even with some older vinyl which have developed an interesting wave form as it tracks. A new stylist brush and lubricant is on my to do list.
Thanks to all for the input.