Nagaoka MP 300 Cartridge

I was thinking I should know more about the average lifespan in hours of this cartridge so I can start thinking about a replacement. If you can help please let me know.


I think I am generally careful with all my vinyl, all have been cleaned recently (using a wet system and vac.), stored in appropriate inner liners and cleaned with a carbon fibre brush before playing. I do not currently own a stylist brush, cleaner or lubricant which, going forward I will be doing some research and hope to rectify. I do clean the tip with a very fine brush I have from one of my old record cleaning kits (must be twenty years old).

I have owned my direct drive Sansui SR-525 turntable from new and have learned over time to check all the adjustments on a regular basis, especially if I notice a change in sound with a familiar recording. I have adjusted my tone arm recently (having to relearn the process every time I do it!)- Including knife edge bearing, tracking calibration using a digital devise (reset weight if required), arm height adjustment (as required), refill drop arm reservoir with silicon as needed, anti-skating, and lateral weight adjustment (if needed). Insure speed control is accurate using an outside devise (speed control app.). I also check the speed oscilloscope on the platter every time I use the turntable.

I am always open to something I may be missing, so I try to keep an open mind as to what others are doing. The cartridge currently in use recommends a tracking force of 1.5 to 2.0 gram so I have it set for 1.75 grams which seems to be the sweet spot for my set-up as I have no issues with sound or tracking, even with some older vinyl which have developed an interesting wave form as it tracks. A new stylist brush and lubricant is on my to do list.

Thanks to all for the input.

I am on my second MP 300 stylus replacement. I have been very happy with the sound quality of this cartridge. After the last stylus change, I neglected to keep track of the hours that I used it, so I wanted to be on top of this change.

@pooch2 just curious what are the indicators that a cartridge needs to be replaced? Are you just using hours to determine that or have you actually heard a cartridge sound worse after 300hrs - 350hrs? Cause that sounds kind of low.
I never ran a cartridge into the ground but I was hoping that my my Hana ML gets me at least 1500-2000hrs. May be I’m way too optimistic about it…

I think the rule of thumb is around 1,500  hours. Van den Hull advertised some of his cartridges (at least the Frog) was good for 3,000 or more (twice the average). Mine had well over 2,000 when I sold the turntable… it sounded perfect.