Dave you should have stayed on track as you wanted everyone else to do, but you couldn't help yourself. I'm glad that you know more than someone who is an expert on the subject.
You use the term high resolution all the time, but you use it incorrectly. There are plenty of speakers like Vandersteen and others who have the highest of resolution without being overly bright. If a recording is bright, many of the high resolution speakers will sound that way, even if they aren't considered 'bright'. I also have heard many speakers that are bright because their curve is tipped up a few DB on top and not because they are high resolution. I was speaking in the 90's with a British designer who said he always puts a peak in the upper ranges to give the impression of a more 'live' sound and a larger soundstage'. In your own words on other threads, a speaker isn't going to add anything to a signal.
Lot's of different gear for all tastes.
You use the term high resolution all the time, but you use it incorrectly. There are plenty of speakers like Vandersteen and others who have the highest of resolution without being overly bright. If a recording is bright, many of the high resolution speakers will sound that way, even if they aren't considered 'bright'. I also have heard many speakers that are bright because their curve is tipped up a few DB on top and not because they are high resolution. I was speaking in the 90's with a British designer who said he always puts a peak in the upper ranges to give the impression of a more 'live' sound and a larger soundstage'. In your own words on other threads, a speaker isn't going to add anything to a signal.
Lot's of different gear for all tastes.