Naim and Elac Adante, Wow

The new Elac Adantes are creating a lot of buzz both good and bad.

We were mixed on the speakers initially as certain sonic aspects were fantastic while others were less then satisfactory.

The Adante AS 61 has a relatively low sensitivity so we thought 40 watts will not be enough.

Surprise the Naim Uniti Atom with Wireworld cables produced an intoxicating sound.

The Atom is warm and punchy so the combo matched perfectly.

Elac and Naim fantastic together and affordable.

3k amp which includes dac and streamer,  plus 2.5k speakers other then cables and stands this combo would make a lot of people very happy.

We would urge prospective Adante purchasers to seek out this combo these two products mesh while other combos of electronics with the Adantes may be why some people are not liking the speakers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
My bad. I didn’t realize you were quoting Audiotroy. As punishment for my error, I went back and read Audiotroy’s post of March 8. Can you imagine how painful that was for me? I usually don't read but merely skim his posts. They simply go on for too long to actually read. Fortunately, I only had to read that one sentence.
gpgr4blu and ctsooner..ok most of the planets are back in out to the Emerald City and we can get high on balsa wood and a few decent Davis Family Wines...nothing high technology or innovative about them....I know they have email....that is how i order it....

right now I have JJ Cale cranked up a bit....loving it...


It is hardly painful it is a pleasure, google our business and see.

It is one thing to have an discussion and raise points and not reconize the validity of your opponents opinions, or not.

If you notice we said on countless posts that the 1C and 2Ce are great value for dollar speakers, we are not in love with the other models as some of these other gentleman are and prefer our products for the price and value which they represent.

Nor do we love planers after owning numerous ones.

One particular gentleman got bent out of shape when we disagreed on who and what constitues revolutionary vs evolutionary. Yes a balsa wood cone is innovative but is it better than anyone else driver employing their composites?

Do you think that Kef and B&W and Focals cones aren’t perfectly pistonic?

If you actually read what we wrote you woud see we know a lot about many different brands and sound in audio.

Where we differ is we don’t blindly recommend the same products to everybody.

Good luck to you and if you are in the area you should stop by.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

PS Tomic you will get much higher not smoking balsa wood.

Tomic, bob and I would have a blast out there.  That's a great idea.  As long as you can accommodate my rollator, I'll be fine, lol.  Teh walking sticks aren't doing it anymore, ;). Would enjoy your system for sure.