Naim Nait 5i-2 for Totem Sttaf

I am close to going with the Nait 5i-2 for driving Totem Sttafs. The room is moderate size and the levels will be modest (apartment). Music is jazz, vocal and small classical. I am looking for feedback from people who have heard this combination. Creek 5350 is also a possibility, although I am drawn to the musicality of Naim. This system is in Geneva Switzerland, so the options are somewhat limited. Any comments on the Naim Sttaf combo?
I was using totem mites with my 5i's but switched to harbeth 3's. THe mites sounded good but really the harbeths are amazing (again the harbeth are alot more expensive) but the naim harbeth combo is excellent in my opinion!
Haven't heard the Totem Staffs, but I love the Naim - Dali combo. Great synergy there, especially for classical.
Op, let us know how the Nait works with your speakers. I've heard good things about that combo.
Danm66, would you go into more detail about the differences in the good sound from the Mites and the amazing sound from the 3's when used with the 5i. Thanks.
Like many previous posters, I haven't heard the Nait 5i2 - Totem Sttaf combo, but my office system consists of a Nait 5i2 driving Totem model 1 signatures and it is very satisfying. I'd expect the "house sound" of Totem to carry over and give you a really fun listening experience.

Happy listening!