Naim Nait 5i vs 5i italic

Can folks comment on the difference between the Naim Nait 5i and 5i (italic)? There is a used 5i currently for sale on this website. I am seriously considering this amp to mate w/ my Totem Arros.

Thanks in advance.
i don't know the difference, but naim 5i was used with totem at the ces show last year...i own arro and would love to own one,as arro is one of my favorite speakers....i know there should be a difference in which someone will let you know here on the gon, but naim , spoke with them last year and the first company electronics they said was naim, then unison tube hybrid, dwhitt
As you might know, I am also a happy Totem Arro owner. Unfortunately, my local Naim dealer does not have the 5i in stock so I cannot demo on my own speakers. He is only willing to order the amp if I purchase first. I know this is a sign of our current economy, but this really caused me to hit "pause"...

Thanks very much for the link.
if you listen to the arro speakers , i believe you are not a rock n roller....i bet you enjoy jazz or clssical? everyone i have talked with concerning naim and arro say a+ to it...even totem how could you go wrong, by the way, don't buy it new, i love my local dealers too, but i am not going to pay retail and loose big money if i dont' like it..just buy a nice one from gon..and if you don't then take a small lose and move on....