Nakamichi 505 or the Dragon ?

Can someone tell me if I were to get either the Nakamichi 505 or the Dragon which one will out preform the other in overall sound quality. Or are these two pretty much equal in playback?
i have had the pleasure of owning both the rx505 and the dragon.
As far as "pride of ownership" is concerned, nothing compares to the dragon, except perhaps the 1000ZXL. The deck is the ultimate in performance and showmanship.
As far as sound is concerned, there is actually very little difference, they both sound excellent. Slight edge to the Dragon.
I hope that helps.
I have had the Dragon and the tanberg both very good decks and I would call it a draw. But one other to consider is the Revox B215. They can be had for quite a bit less on the used market and it is a very good sounding deck. List new in 1985 was $2300.00 and I see them selling used for 1/2 what a dragon goes for
This inside looks like a mini B77 Reel to reel
They are built very well and sound great also
years after this debate but the simple question is 'what is the deck to be used for? If you will only record and play back from the same deck almost all of the top decks are equal, give or take some small differences. HOWEVER if you have a long standing cassette collection made on different decks, nakamichi and non-nakamichi and if you intend to buy pre-recorded cassettes then there is ONLY one deck to buy and that is the Dragon. For the playing of pre-recorded cassette it is the one and only king of decks.
A Dragon. If this were a question about the Dragon or a CR7, that would be a tricky question, as both have their devotees. Anyway I'm delighted with my Dragon, which has just been serviced and modified by Alex Nikitin (ANT4066 on tapeheads).